Thursday 16 August 2012

I’m definitely feeling ‘Brave’

I’ve been in a bit of a rut for probably the last few months, just another reason why I haven’t been posting as much. The feeling tends to come and go.  So I decided to take myself on a movie date. I went to go and see ‘Brave’.Change Your Fate 1
{via here}

I was a little hesitant about seeing a kids’ movie by myself in the middle of the day but it wasn’t too bad. Everyone was actually around my age, one couple and another girl. I’m actually really glad I saw this one by myself. Because I cried like a baby through most of it. I can’t even put into words why either but I’ll try.

The movie was GOOD. I didn’t know much of what to expect in the way of storyline and was pleasantly surprised.  And the soundtrack is gorgeous.

The scenery (and all the animation itself actually) was absolutely beautiful.  I miss Scotland and in my mind, it looks *exactly* like that :)

And Merida… her hair!  It was a character in itself.  I loved her fearlessness and her determination.  And anyone that can shoot an arrow already has my heart.  I wish I had had a Disney Princess like that when I was little. 

The backbone to the story was a mother-daughter relationship which was handled really nicely.  And made me want to give my own mother a big cuddle too!

I’m so glad I went and saw it.  I wasn’t quite sure what to expect but I wanted to see it to support the movie.  I knew it wouldn’t be popular- the trailer promised a simple tale with no quick banter and a feisty girl as the main character.  And that’s what I got.  It wasn’t perfect but it was perfectly lovely and just what I needed.

{via here}


Jenna said...

Um...what does it say about me that I teared up just READING how the movie affected you! Your post solidified how I will/would feel if and when I finally see this! Darn those sneaky emotional cartoon movies!

Sarahcastically said...

Brave is SUPER good. I saw it with my mom and sister and um yeah. I'm pretty sure we all cried. I would definitely have loved her when I was little. And my five year old cousin Jack loved it too - my aunt said this was the first movie he'd ever actually been riveted by for the entire thing. So obviously Merida is awesome.

(P.S. I finished all the missions on Zombies Run and am now going through withdrawal. SUCH A CLIFFHANGER AT THE END! UGH)