I mean, I know I said I’d let them do a blog post but it’s MY blog, I can’t let them have it all. I’ll interject in purple :)
So this is my ‘Laura’ project. I was given a deadline, and funnily enough I have left it to the night before to finish. Procrastination is a common trait in our house and no one does it better than Laura! (Unfortunately very true!)
Laura calls me ‘Dad’, mainly because I hover around her door like a parent, asking her if her assignments are done, and questioning her about what she has been doing all day if she hasn’t finished them.
She acts like another parent for Nilly (the dog), which I love and she isn’t afraid of all the unglamorous things you have to do with them like clipping nails, washing and brushing, and filling up water bowls. Nilly loves her – when Laura leaves for church, she sometimes will sit by the door waiting for her to come home.
So I finish with an acrostic type poem:
A is for her artistic flair. Who knew a trip to Kmart could turn into a bedroom renovation extravaganza
U is for her uncontrolled laughter, usually at the TV or the dog. (Nilly gets this look on her face which I like to call her ‘P*ssed off face’, which cracks me up. I love how dogs really do have facial expressions. It’s usually directed at Boy Roomie who will annoy her when she’s trying to sleep. It’s such a patient look, like she’s thinking “I hate this but I just have to put up with being poked for five minutes and then he’ll get bored and I can go back to sleep”)
R is for her recipes, hardly a repeat meal in the seven months we’ve lived together.
A is for her assignments. She has so many of them! (I think I have TOO many of them)
And this is Girl Roomie’s post about life with me
Some thoughts on...
...dinner: Always trying different food and internet recipes out on us; we’re both happy to be guinea pigs (I wouldn’t have tried tofu roast for anyone else). Sometimes we’re left in charge of getting dinner ready when Laura’s working and we always seem to stuff up. I always forget vital freezer ingredients and just do wedges (the disappointment on her face almost broke my heart); whereas Boy Roomie doesn’t really stuff up, he just hangs around drinking wine until Laura is in the driveway, and then he’ll decide to pop the oven on. I’m pretty sure she is used to the feeling of her own stomach eating itself by now. (Haha!! Girl Roomie and I are early dinner people, 6:30/7, is when our bellies are ready for dinner. Boy Roomie is happy to wait until like 8 or 9 before dinner. This is a point of contention in the house when Boy Roomie is in charge of dinner. Girl Roomie and I are nearly dying of starvation when dinner comes around!)
...TV: Watching TV with Laura in the room is priceless. When she’s not lying to you about if a main character’s head is going to get chopped off (for which I’ll never forgive/forget) (I said I was sorry- but you got the full emotional effect of the death. That’s what’s important!), she’s throwing cushions at the tv in disgust or laughing like a squeaky door alongside Boy Roomie (aka The Seagull). (Poor Girl Roomie has to put up with me and Boy Roomie laughing at our TV shows… and we LOVE to laugh! Despite our terrible laughs!)
Other high points are when zombies or velociraptors are involved; if you can’t see Laura just look for her blanket, she’ll be under it. But the BEST part about watching tv with her is making up the show/movie plots as they go along. Our ideas are always much better and we would definitely make the best season two of Winners & Losers ever. (TV is definitely the central focus of our house- as you may be able to tell from Blu Ray Tuesday. Girl Roomie and I always watch very cool shows together… and Boy Roomie and I watch comedies together and giggle like loons)
...cleanliness: Neat enough, doesn’t leave stuff lying alllllll around the place like I do! Also discourages me from vacuuming as it would interfere with her quiet study time (I hate vacuuming so I like this a lot). (I only pretend to be tidy. My bedroom is the first thing people see when they open the door so I try and keep it relatively tidy- not as easy task for a messy fool like myself. Luckily it’s small so it can’t get too messy!) ...social stuff: Has a large number of celebrity boyfriends, the floozy! Don’t you dare let your eyes linger over John Krasinski, he is well and truly taken. (I really am a hypothetical ho as I like to call it. And I am quite possessive of my harem of celebrity men)Some other good bits:
· · Her shampoo smells awesome. (Apple fresh, if you’re interested)
· · Always seems to be in the right place when free food is on offer (e.g., NightOwl, church ladies – although I didn’t get any of these scones) (That’s because I ate them all)
· · Brought my attention to the Heat light in the bathroom in the middle of winter, thank youuuuu!
· · Opens the door when she can hear me struggling to find my keys.
· · Knows everything, amazing memory; best person to have at Trivia.
· · “That’s what she said.”
So, overall: Laura is kind, considerate, warm, smart and funny to live with
And this is why I love her :)
How cute are my roomies?!?!?! I love hearing what they have to say and maybe I can bribe them with food to do another guest post.
Photo: Girl Roomie sold separately.

I love this post immensely. Maybe once Zan gets here I'll have him do a post about me... that would be interesting. I bet I'll get "A" is for assignments, too. Ugh, first week of school and SO MUCH homework for this weekend.
Also, I totally know which character gets his head chopped off. :)
I love this post! Boy and Girl Roomie (whose names I really know) I loved your posts. You need to get a blog yourselves. I could just imagine you all sitting in the lounge blogging together. It would be the ultimate room mate bonding experience.
LOL these are great! especially the part about bringing up Word to hide that you're surfing the Net! (I've done that sometimes when my mom comes up ... and no, I'm not a high school student but a professional woman over 40 who works at home on her computer, lol.)
And LOL @ not telling roomie about main character getting their head chopped off ... for a moment I was wondering if you guys were watching Xena but then I realized, ooooh, Game of Thrones. LOL.
It really sounds as though you have some ideal roommates there!
HAHA! AWWW! These two are some AWESOME roomies!! :D I love the sweet (and FUNNY) things that they wrote about you! You can tell that you 3 get along swimmingly! :)
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