Thursday 8 September 2011

Oh wow...

Thanks to Sarah, I just worked out how to amuse myself endlessly. I should be doing my assignment that's due in on Monday and that I haven't started yet. But then Sarah posted about her giveaway and gave a great tutorial on how to create moving pictures just like in Harry Potter. Well, which do you think is more fun to do???

This is one of my foster boys, Timmy, playing his favourite game- hiding behind the sofa and jumping out at an unsuspecting passer-by. He loved to play this game ALL. THE. TIME. And now he will be playing it on high rotation :)

Being of the PC variety, I wasn't able to follow her Mac tutorial all the way but thanks to a very quick google search, I managed to piece together how to do this, thanks to the headstart she gave me. I also had to save my .gif on a photosharing site first before I could upload it. For some reason it wouldn't upload normally like how it does on Sarah's tutorial.

And you guys, I know NOTHING about photoshop. I can't even stick people's heads onto other people's bodies. And I managed how to do this. I am properly patting myself on the back. So if I can do it, you can too! Give it a go, post it on your blog, drop Sarah a comment and you might win an awesome prize!! And just go and check out her own beautiful moving picture.


Gentri said...

I'm doing this too! I just need to take my video first. :)

Abigail said...

Awesome! I wish I could do this... but alas, not quite so talented... :)

Ashley {hudson's happenings} said...

PAT PAT on your back! This rocks! I am going to check out the tutorial now...I love this kind of stuff! :D

Rod and Alex - aka: "Rolex" said...

Thanks! I have been so impressed with this on others' blogs and I haven't felt tech savvy enough to try it. But I may just give it a "go".

Unknown said...

well i am ok in photoshop but can't figure out how to embed a video in my blog so you got me!