This is my list of 101 in 1001. Basically you have 1001 days to complete 101 things. I started it ooh... Friday, January 8, 2010 which means I finish on Tuesday, October 5, 2012. I started off with the best intentions for about six months and then life got in the way. It’s always been in the back of my mind so I thought I’d dust off the list and see how I’m doing with my life goals :)
1. Buy property - There is no way that this goal will happen in the time frame. I spent most of my savings on my nursing course and then the rest of my savings have gone towards 'living expenses’ because I made the decision that I would not work whilst I was studying.
2. Stay in an ice hotel and see the Northern Lights - Not going to happen at all. Well, it would be awesome but I don’t think I could afford a kickarse holiday any time soon.
3. Run a 10k race and don’t finish last – I totally 100% bailed on this commitment. I have stopped running almost completely but once the weather warms up and I get my mojo back, I intend to get back into it.
4. Write to ten people I don’t keep in touch with anymore [0/10] I half wrote to two people but again, it fizzled out which doesn’t count
5. Get a job working with animals – I had NO idea how this one was going to come true when I wrote this list. Funny how life works out :)
6. Get my computer fixed - It actually was unfixable but I got all my pictures and stories off the hard drive which is really all I wanted.
7. Take boxing classes- I have very limited money at the mo, but I would still love to do this some time.
8. Read the whole Bible - Still ploughing through, I'm just starting Job (I started with the NT before moving to the OT).
9. Take a Bible class - I’m still interested in this but right now I really don’t have the time.
10. Get two people to donate blood instead of me [1/2] - I would love to donate blood, I think it's one of the greatest gifts you can give someone but unfortunately I lived in the UK during the 'Mad Cow' disease scare and therefore I apparently have Mad Cow disease and can't donate blood in Australia. I was so happy that I managed to get just one person to donate blood once, I would love to find someone else.
11. Continue with my tithing at the same rate - As stated before, I have zero monies but now that my work practice has started to pay me for my three hours on a Saturday, I can start up again.
12. Get Certificate III in Companion Animal Services - Cert 3?? I can’t believe how high I ended up shooting! I’m now doing a Cert IV in Veterinary Nursing which is miles above that other certificate that I originally wanted to do. It boggles me mind that like 18 months ago I had no idea what path my life was taking.
13. Go speed dating - I found out that this is super serious and quite expensive. Also because I would never actually follow up on any of those dates, I would feel bad going to an event like this. But I still think it would be fun!
14. Finish that necklace - I started this home made necklace probably five years ago... and it’s still in a paper bag in my top drawer. One of these days...
15. Go to roller derby tryouts - This is such a secret wish of mine, I have such a crush on that ‘culture’. I don’t know if I will ever do it but I do still keep tabs on when roller derby tryouts are.
16. Write 3 short stories that I’m proud of – I wrote one... that no one else seemed to like but I actually wrote a short story that I loved- in my own style. I haven’t been inspired by anything else yet but I am in a procrastinating mood. So who knows?
17. Make sushi - Done!
18. Have a fancy dress party for my 25th - Um... so my 25th birthday came and went. I wussed out as usual. I do however have grand plans for a Hawaiian themed party for this birthday and even if I do wuss out this time, my roomies love the idea so much that I know I won’t get out of holding this party :)
19. Buy myself an expensive piece of jewellery that I love, just because - I don’t know if I would 'waste’ money on myself anymore.
20. Go to a shooting range - Done and it was AWESOME!
21. Buy a “story” Wii game and complete it - I don’t have a Wii anymore. I did buy a game but I got frustrated when I couldn’t complete it at all!
22. Run a 5k race and don’t finish last - See goal 3
23. Drink milk every day for a week each month [1/33] - I drink tea a lot... I don’t add much milk but does that count?!
24. Get involved more online and make friends - Blogging has definitely introduced me to a lot of people and I do feel like I have more of a presence online.
25. Post on LJ at least once a week - Um... I no longer really use my LJ. I do post on blogger probably four times a week so that’s good.
26. Learn how to cook a roast chicken meal - I kind of feel like I completed this one... because I make a really good roast meal that was actually RE-requested by my roomies. Except I use a tofu loaf as the roast!
27. Take mum away on a mini break - I would still love to do this. But money.
28. Learn 10 Bible verses - Ooh, had totally forgotten about this one. Right, I have so many verses that I love... just gotta pick ten :)
29. Go on the catapult in Surfers Paradise - Haha, forgotten this one too!
0. Go out and get fun drunk and don’t come home until really late - I don’t even know if I’d still like to do this one?? I'm such a nanna!!!
31. Grow a sunflower - I started this but some stupid slugs ate them all!!!!!!!!!!!
32. Every two months or so, do something cultural that you wouldn’t normally do, see a play etc - I sort of do this randomly anyway. But it’s good to see it written down to remind me.
33. Sort out my ipod and BUY everything legally!!! - I probably won’t do this in the set timeframe as I intend to buy a laptop at the end of the year so will wait til then to properly sort out my iTunes as currently I have two computers that I use with different iTunes accounts. But I have stopped getting music the naughty way! It means I have much less music but I can feel better about it.
34. Write down everything I eat for two weeks [0/14] - I know I eat a lot of rubbish but I still haven’t done this!
35. Write down everything I spend for two weeks [14/14] - I did this. I spend a lot of money that I don’t need to!
36. Work out a budget and stick to it! – Since I have stopped working, I don’t really have a budget because I have no money anyway. But maybe... I should try and do this. Now I’m living out of home I have way more expenses.
37. Learn to juggle - oh yes, I still want to do this.
38. Look into becoming a Big Sister - I think I might look into this at the end of the year when I’m graduated and everything and I have a regular schedule once more. I love the idea of this so much!
39. Have an internet free day once a week – I would love to start doing this again. In fact, I NEED to do this!
40. Cut out bread/pasta/carbs for two weeks x 4 [0/4] - Ick, just looking at that makes me hungry! I think I can safely say that I will NEVER do that!
41. Read 20 “classics” [0/20] - I’m re-reading Jane Eyre, I don’t think that counts. The tally is still at zero. I just can’t be bothered to struggle through books. I have so little time to read at the moment, I just want to read stuff that I goes in one ear and out the other!
42. Watch 20 “classics” [4/20] - Um... haven’t done this. BUT I have watched more B-grade movies in recent times. That counts, right?!
43. Suck it up and write to Azelia for Katrina’s contact details - I still haven’t done this... I feel like it’s too late.
44. Buy a bridal magazine and pick out a dress - I FOUND MY DRESS!! So pretty. Just got the small matter of finding the boy :)
45. Have a fake hens night - I don’t think I would do this anymore :)
46. Actually put that Spanish CD onto my ipod and LISTEN to it - I did this and I realised that I will never learn Spanish!
47. Write an OTIS report - I don’t really go on that site anymore. It used to be cute and small and now it’s taken on a life of its own.
48. Become more involved with GodlyGals - This is a Christian girls forum that I used to be a part of. Not sure why but it went kaput.
49. Go along to one of those free library events - I nearly went to a free afternoon tea put on by my local library in order to celebrate the movie 'Jane Eyre’... but I had to work.
50. Enter competitions and don’t stop til you win a prize! - I won a 'Percy Jackson’ prize pack thanks to Reading Cinemas.
If you read that, thanks! Part II coming tomorrow.